City of Ottawa Reasons Campaign

City of Ottawa – Reasons Campaign
As part of the Active Transport iWalk iBike Campaign we ran for the City of Ottawa, we assembled ads and placed them in transit shelters and movie theatres around the city. The ad creative showed a range of reasons to walk or bike to work. This was a fully integrated campaign and a contest was run alongside it inviting people to visit the website or download the app to provide their own reason for walking or biking to work. All the reasons were shown on the website in a discussion forum.
This extension of the iWalk iBike campaign served to generate a great deal of awareness across the Capital Region. The Reasons campaign was the largest supportive initiative and provided the greatest referral base for the iWalk iBike tracking app.
Client: City of Ottawa
Skills: Adobe Photoshop, PHP, HTML, CSS.
Services: Advertising, Creative Design, Web Design and Development, Integrated Marketing.